The AMS Anlagenplanung und Medienserviceleistungen GmbH & Co. KG is an independent firm of consultant engineers in the area of industrial plant design.
Our guiding principle “We create solutions” forms the essential basis for all of our business activities. We are committed to high quality, reliability and compliance with the legal framework for our customer-related services.
Our company covers all fields of activity of industrial plant design from process engineering, installation and pipeline engineering, E / MSR engineering to construction technology and technical building equipment.
Since AMS was founded in 2005, we have been able to steadily increase the number of employees. Lots of our employees have many years of experience in industrial plant design and have been a well-established team for years.
The essential factors of a successfully operated industrial plant are economy and reliability, taking into account plant operation that is safe for people and the environment.
We can support our customers with profound know-ow to achieve, to secure and to increase these factors of success.
On July 4th, 2005 the company AMS Anlagenplanung und Medienserviceleistungen GmbH & Co. KG was founded at today’s location in Bottrop. The offices are located near the “Tetraeder” viewing platform on the site of the former colliery Arenberg-Fortsetzung. Here AMS found its domicile in the former “Alten Schmiede”.
Located in the heart of the Ruhr area, the location offers the advantage of quick access to large industrial locations, such as the Chemiepark in Marl, the power plant in Scholven or the Chempark in Krefeld-Uerdingen.

Our processes in engineering and beyond are based on an independently developed AMS standard.
This standard forms the basis for a structured way of working and the integrated management systems of the AMS.
The management systems are constantly being developed and are based on the latest standards.